813area.com Kylee Eve

  • Gender: Female, Status: Relationship
  • Member Since : 2014-04-25

Michigan, United States

Born & raised in the Mitten

Nashville, TN, United States

Lansing Community College

Graphic Design

Start on 2010 End on 2012

Kylee Reviews on Level 11 Rooftop Lounge 8 years ago

Level 11 Rooftop Lounge

5 Rating  

Absolutely loved the atmosphere with amazing views! The staff was very friendly & had great recommendations on cocktails, as well as food. I would highly recommend level 11 if your in the area!

Kylee Reviews on Yard of Ale St Pete 9 years ago

Yard of Ale St Pete

5 Rating  

Neat bar with an awesome atmosphere and a few different "areas" to choose from! The closed in patio part is my favorite! Gives an "artsy" feel with the graffiti walls and lights hanging down. Come check out a day they have a live band or even if you just want to get down and "Jenga"!

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